1The Role Of Minerals & Trace Elements
A lot of Inorganic elements constitute the animal's body ingredients, and that makes them necessary for the body's regular function. Their existence is very important for the avoiding the deficiency of several useful to the body ingredients. Those deficiencies are pathological situations which decrease the animals' productivity to its minimum levels while at the same time could also lead to the animals' death.
The inorganic elements are divided in those which are met in the body in relatively big quantities and are called MACRO ELEMENTS and in those which are met in small quantities ( traces ) and are called MICRO ELEMENTS or TRACE ELEMENTS. In general all these inorganic elements are commonly named as MINERALS.
The role of minerals to the animal's body is structural, as it happens for example with the Calcium (Ca), the Magnesium (Mg) and the Phosphor (P) which play a significant role to the bones structure, the Iron, (Fe) which participates to the structure of the blood., the IODE which contributes to the formulation of THYROXINE , the ZINC (Zn) which acts as an ingredient of a great number of enzymes, the Manganese (Mn) which constitutes a vital and necessary ingredient of the enzymes participating to the carbohydrates, fats and proteins metabolism and others.
Their contribution is also very important to the maintaining of the osmotic pressure within the animal's organism. Osmotic pressure is a natural factor controlling the correct distribution of water to the body.
Sodium (Na), Chloride (Cl), and Magnesium (Mg) are absolutely necessary elements to the preservation of the osmotic pressure to normal levels to the extracellular fluids but also inside the organism's cells.
Besides it has been proved that trace elements such as the Selenium (Se) , the Cobalt (Co) and the Zinc (Zn), when available in the organism in sufficient quantities, strengthen the immune system and thus the animal's resistance to illnesses.
Minerals and Salt deficiency can cause loss of appetite, depressed growth, diarrhea, low lactate levels and complexities with fertility as well as to result to a weak immune system making the animal more vulnerable to diseases.
NUTRIMIN licking block offers to the animals apart from the necessary to them Sodium Chloride (salt), a quantity of Minerals such as Iron, Manganese, Cobalt, Iodine, Selenium and Zinc the existence of which to the daily ratio is regarded more than critical and necessary.
Livestock that uses S.I.N. HELLAS NUTRIMIN licking blocks regularly will not consume non-feed substances such as soil, stones, bones, plastic bags, cloth etc.