nutrivit plus no background
  • Υψηλής ποιότητας ισορροπιστής σε σάκους των 25kg με αναλογία χρήσης 2.5% (1 σακί / τόνο τροφήσ).
  • Διατίθεται σε πλαστικό δοχείο βάρους 20kg με αναλογία χρήσησ 2% (1 δοχείο / τόνο τροφής)


  • Εμπλουτσμός τησ καθημερινήσ διατροφήσ με Νάτριο, Ασβέστιο, Φώσφορο, Μαγνήσιο, Μεταλλικά Ιχνοστοιχεία και Βιταμίνες, στοιχεία που δε λαμβάνονται από την απλή καθημερινή διατροφή, είναι όμως απαραίτητα για τη βελτίωση της υγείας τους και του ανασοποιητικού τους συστήματος, ενώ παράλληλα συμβάλλουν στην αύξηση τησ Γαλακτοπαραγωγής

  • Διατροφικά Στοιχεία

    What is improving



    Calcium is the main component of bones and teeth. It has chief metabolic functions in the animal bodies and is also essential for muscle activity, skeleton, blood clotting, nerve transmission and dynamics of enzyme function. Calcium metabolism at calving is one of the most important animal health factors influencing the production, reproduction and feed conversion efficiency as it plays a major role in the absorption of nutrients (modification of the cell permeability).


    Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps adjust blood glucose levels. It aids in the production of energy and protein, improves the digestibility of feed and improves the reproduction.

    sin hellas


    Zinc is an essential nutrient for animals, functioning in enzyme systems and being involved in protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, and many other biochemical reactions. A severe zinc deficiency causes numerous pathological changes, including skin parakeratosis, reduced or cessation of growth, general debility, lethargy, and increased susceptibility to infection.
    sin hellas

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A is necessary for support of growth, health and life of major animal species. In the absence of vitamin A, animals will cease to grow and eventually die. Vitamin A and its derivatives, the retinoids, have a profound influence on organ development, cell proliferation, and cell differentiation and their deficiency originates or predisposes animals to a number of disabilities.

    sin hellas

    Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D. The primary function of Vitamin D is to elevate plasma calcium and phosphorus to a level that will support normal mineralization of bone as well as other body functions. It is now realized that Vitamin D is not only important for mineralization and skeletal growth but has many other roles in regulation of the parathyroid gland, in the immune system, in skin, cancer prevention, in metabolism of foreign chemicals and in cellular development and differentiation.
    sin hellas

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E has been shown to be essential for integrity and optimum function of reproductive, muscular, circulatory, nervous, and immune systems. One of the most important functions is its role as an intercellular and intracellular antioxidant. Vitamin E is part of the body’s intracellular defense against the adverse effects of reactive oxygen and free radicals that initiate oxidation of unsaturated phospholipids and critical sulfhydryl groups.

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    Πρόβατο, Κατσίκι



    Πλαστικό Δοχείο